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Plenary Speakers

In progress




Prof. C. Nataraj

Director, Villanova Center for Analytics of Dynamic Systems (VCADS)
Villanova University*, Villanova, PA, USA

Dr. C. Nataraj (Nat) is the Moritz Endowed Distinguished Professor in Engineered Systems and the Founding Director of the Villanova Center for Analytics of Dynamic Systems ( at Villanova University. Nat has served as Chair of Mechanical Engineering, and the founding Director of the Center for Nonlinear Dynamics & Control. He has published a text book and 250+ peer-reviewed papers in dynamic systems, is a Life Fellow of ASME, the Editor-in-Chief of Springer-Nature’s Journal of Vibration Engineering & Technologies and serves on the editorial board of three other international journals including Nonlinear Dynamics.

He has received research funding from ONR, DARPA, NSF and NIH. Nat is the winner of the Villanova Outstanding Research Award. And has won the runner up award for Outstanding Teaching. His research has received media attention including two TEDx talks in 2015 and 2024, and articles in Forbes and Wired Magazines. Nat is the Founding Editor for Nodycast, a new podcast on Nonlinear Dynamics.

* Villanova University is located in Philadelphia suburbs and is ranked among the top 50 universities in the United States.


Voltage Controlled Topologically Protected Wave Propagation in Dielectric Membrane-type Acoustic Metamaterials

Prof. C.W. Lim

Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering

City University of Hong Kong, Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon, Hong Kong SAR, P.R. China

Currently a fellow of ASME, ASCE, EMI and HKIE, Ir Professor Lim received a B.Eng. from University of Technology of Malaysia, M.Eng. and PhD from National University of Singapore and Nanyang Technological University, respectively.  Prior to joining City University of Hong Kong, he was a post-doctoral research fellow at The University of Queensland and The University of Hong Kong.  He is also a visiting professor at various universities worldwide.  He has expertise in theory of plates and shells, dynamics of smart piezoelectric structures, nanomechanics, metamaterials and symplectic elasticity. 


He is currently the subject editor for Journal of Sound and Vibration, joint-editor for Journal of Mechanics of Material and Structures, subject editor for Applied Mathematical Modelling, Managing Editor (Asia-Pacific Region) for Journal of Vibration Engineering & Technologies, Associate Editor for International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, etc. and also on the editorial board of some other top-ranked international journals.  He has published one very well-selling title entitled “Symplectic Elasticity”, co-authored with W.A. Yao and W.X. Zhong from Dalian University of Technology, as recorded by the publisher, World Scientific, in Engineering Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering. 


He has published more than 370 international journal papers and have more than 14,500 citations.  His paper on the nonlocal strain gradient theory has attracted over 1,150 citations since first published in 2015.  Professor Lim was awarded the prestigious 2020 JN Reddy Medal as a recognition “for significant and original contributions to vibration of plates and shells, smart piezoelectric structures, nanomechanics, and symplectic elasticity”.  Recently he was elected by secret votes to deliver a Plenary Lecture at WCCM/APCOM 2022, the largest biennial meet for computational scientists worldwide.  He was also invited to chair another plenary lecture.  WCCM 2020 recorded over 400 mini-symposia and over 5,000 papers accepted.  He was also previously awarded Top Referees in 2009, Proceedings A, The Royal Society.  Professor Lim is a registered professional engineer in Hong Kong.



Damping and Energy Harvesting Properties of Advanced Elastic Metamaterials

Prof. Mahmoud I. Hussein

Alvah and Harriet Hovlid Professor

Smead Department of Aerospace Engineering Sciences

Department of Physics (Courtesy)

Department of Applied Mathematics (Affiliate)

Materials Science and Engineering Program (Affiliate)

University of Colorado Boulder, CO, USA



Prof. Marian Wiercigroch FRSE

Centre for Applied Dynamics Research

School of Engineering

University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, Scotland, UK

Professor Marian Wiercigroch educated in Poland, US and UK holds a Sixth Century Chair in Applied Dynamics and he is a founding director of the Centre for Applied Dynamics Research at the University of Aberdeen.


His area of research is theoretical and experimental nonlinear dynamics, which he applies to various engineering problems. Wiercigroch has published extensively (over 400 journal and conference papers) and sits on a dozen editorial boards of peer review journals. He is the Editor-In-Chief of International Journal of Mechanical Sciences and a frequent keynote and plenary speaker at major international conferences.


He is the inventor of new patented drilling technology called Resonance Enhanced Drilling and the Founder and Chief Technology Officer of a spinoff company iVDynamics Ltd.  He has established in Aberdeen unique experimental laboratories allowing to investigate complex nonlinear dynamic interactions in mechanical systems with the focus on energy generation.  


He has received many awards and distinctions including a Senior Fulbright Scholarship (1994), Fellowship of the Royal Society of Edinburgh (2009), DSc honoris causa by the Lodz University of Technology (2013), Distinguished Professorships at the Perm National Research Polytechnic University (2017), Balseiro Institute (2018) and Yanshan University (2021), a Scottish Champion of Knowledge Exchange (2020) and has been a panelist of the Research Excellence Framework (2014, 2021) assessing quality of research in the UK.

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